Today (27th November 2014) at 13:30 hrs. Clin. Prof. Supat Vanichakarn, Secretary General of Prince Mahidol Award Foundation under the Royal Patronage; Mr. Sek Wannamethee, Director-General of the Department of Information and Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Prof Vicharn Panich, Chairman of Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program Steering Committee; Assoc. Prof. Apichat Asavamongkolkul, Chairman of Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program Working Committee; and Prof. Somphop Limpongsanurak, Chairman of Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program Selection Committee, together issue a press release on the names of Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program scholarship recipients for 2014 at the Hall in front of Prince Mahidol Aduldej Room, 4th floor of Siriraj Medical Library, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University.
The names of five scholarship recipients of Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program are as follows:
1. Mr. Kosit Vorateera Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
2. Miss Chanusnun Narongchai Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University
3. Miss Nuntanuj Vutthikraivit Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
4. Mr. Weerawit Wateetip Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
5. Mr. Sichon Luerithiphong Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
Twelve applicants from 7 institutes were nominated for Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program in 2014. Only 5 successful applicants meet the criteria of Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program. The Selection Committee selected the scholarship recipients and presented to the Board of Trustee which HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn is a President. The final decision had been made on 17th October 2014.

Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program has been established on 20th November 2008 according to the 2nd/2008 consensus of the Prince Mahidol Award Foundation Committee. The program aims to inspire and facilitate Thai youths studied in the health fields to pursue their dedicated life for the benefit of mankind following the footsteps of HRH Prince Mahidol of Songkla.

The steering committee, the working committee, and the selection committee are responsible to select the applicants who meet the criteria of the program, and present their names to the Board of Trustee which HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn is a President, for a final decision.
The successful applicants will obtain a scholarship for research study, professional training or community development abroad or in the country with full support for 12-month overseas placement. The period of overseas placement of the scholarship recipients will be considered as a part of their three-year working period for the government of Thailand.
Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program Scholar 2014

Mr. Kosit Vorateera
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
Mr. Kosit Vorateera is a sixth year medical student at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. He is interested in conducting a research in the field of optimizing quality of stem cell to cure the chronic diabetic foot ulcer. Diabetic foot ulcer has been increasing in number according to the number of diabetic patients which has been dramatically raised. Current treatment of choice is to revascularize the vessels, but a large number of these patients are not suitable for surgery or fail from revascularization which leads to limb amputation. The amputees may go through another surgery within a year. Although the stem cell has been in clinical trial, it still has a limit outcome. To optimize the use of Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) is a new era to be a treatment of these patients with the number reduction of surgery and suit for cost-effectiveness. Stem cell research can be a chance to seek new treatment of choice.
Mr. Kosit Vorateera has received many honors and awards as followings:
2013 -Vice President of Siriraj Medical Students Union, Chief of External Affairs Division
-Chief of staff in First Aid Unit, “Mahidol Vichakan 2013”
-President of Mahidol Medical Sciences Students, hosting the health promotion and prevention campaign for community service in Nakhonpathom province
2012 -Assistant President of External Affairs Unit in Siriraj Medical Student Union 2012
-Initiating health promotion campaign in teenagers in secondary schools to recognize the physical health and pubertal changes
-Clinical clerkship in Plastic Surgery Division, Kyungpook National University Hospital (KNUH), Deagu, Republic of Korea
2011 -Health promotion and health prevention campaign in Post-Flooding diseases at Flood Relief Operation Center in Ayudhaya province and Bangkok-noi subdistrict
-Continue being contact person for the Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE), IFMSA Thailand
-Vice president of “Siriraj Bhddhadhamma Club”
2008 -AFS Cultural Exchange Student in Walla Walla High School (WWHS), Walla Walla, Washington, USA Columnist of GLOZE Magazine funded by Thai Health Promotion Foundation
Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program Scholar 2014

Miss Chanusnun Narongchai
Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University
Miss Chanusnun Narongchai is a sixth year medical student at the Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University. She is interested in the field of screening program and management for preventing childhood blindness from Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). Childhood blindness related to ROP is preventable and treatable; beginning with early detection and diagnosis by effective screening program leading to further investigation and early management. However, nowadays, the number of Thai childhood blindness is greater than the standard level as WHO‘s recommendation. Thus, studying in academics and getting experience in clinical skills in well-known worldwide organization will contribute to create the standard screening test along with screening criteria guideline that is practical for all level of Thai national health care systems both in urban and rural area. Besides, the suitable and effective Thai-standard ROP screening program will reduce the rate of childhood blindness and provide Thai children for better health and quality of life. Since child is the future of nation, the accomplishment of this project will bring a great change for Thai nation including ASEAN countries in the future.
Miss Chanusnun Narongchai has received many honors and awards as followings:
2014 – President of Chiang Mai University International Medical Challenge 2014 and Sixth year class president for Academic affairs
– Initiator and advisor of Academic Medical Challenge and Public Health and Environment Association, Chiang Mai University
2013 – President of Academic affairs, Chiang Mai medical student council and Fifth year class president for Academic affairs
– President of Prince Mahidol Academic Health Science Program
– First rank award in fifth-year class GPA 4.00 and Highest score award in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Psychiatry
– Observership in cardiac care unit Columbia University, New York, USA
– Chiang Mai University representative for Well-Conducted Award from The Buddhist Association of Thailand
2012 – Trophy for Outstanding Chiang Mai Medical Student in Academics and Highest score award in Year 4 Surgery and Pediatrics
– Vice President of Academic affairs Chiang Mai medical student council, Forth year class president for Academic affairs
– Chiang Mai University representative for Siriraj International Microbiology and Immunology Competition
2011 – President of Pre-clinical Academic affairs, medical student council and Third year class president for Academic affairs
– President of Pre-test and Tutorial programs for medical students and academic president for “I want to be a doctor”camp
– First rank award in third-year class GPA 4.00 and Highest score award in Year 3 Biochemistry
– Vice President of Prince Mahidol Academic Health Science Program
– Vice President of International Medical Student Union and President of Fund and raiser affairs, Little Doctor Project for Society
– Observership in Pre-clinical medicine, University of Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan
2010 – First rank award in second-year class GPA 4.00 and President of Medical Students Tutorial program
– Highest score award in Year 2 Cardiovascular system, Gastrointestinal system, Locomotive system and Basic medical science
2009 – First rank award in 1st year; GPA 4.00 and Highest score award in Health Science Program (Medicine)
– Founder of “Smiles” band and Band performance for Chiang Mai Book Day, Chiang Mai Royal Flora and Graduation ceremony
2008 – “Outstanding Achievement in Academics Award”, Findlay High School, OHIO, USA
– Solo Piano with Distinction award, Advanced Level (Grade 8), The International Examination Board, Trinity College of London
Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program Scholar 2014
Miss Nuntanuj Vutthikraivit
Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
Miss Nuntanuj Vutthikraivit is a sixth year medical student at the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. She is interested in studying adoptive T cell therapy for cancers. Cancers are important leading causes of death worldwide and the incidence is still increasing. However, a significant number of patients resists to standard chemotherapy regimens and/or develop recurrent diseases. Adoptive T cell therapy is now considered the promising way to cure cancer and this approach has actually been verified in a number of clinical trials. In this project, cancer of the nasopharynx will be used as a model. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is an endemic cancer in Southeast Asia including Thailand. This cancer is one of Epstein-Barr virus – associated malignancies, which are good candidate for adoptive T cell therapy development. The benefit of this technology is not only for nasopharyngeal carcinoma treatment but also other cancers.
Miss Nuntanuj Vutthikraivit has received many honors and awards as follows:
2013 -Vice president of internal affairs (academic), Students Union of Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. 99.11 percentile in Thai National Medical License Examination step 2.
2012 -Popular vote 4th year medical student. Highest score in Radiology.
2011 -First place winner-Team award and get top ten scores on the occasion of “9th Inter-Medical School Physiology Quiz”, Malaysia. Second runner-up in Medical Poster Competition In the 24th East Asian Medical Students’ Conference Adolescent health “Embrace the future, better the world”. 99.82 percentile in Thai National Medical License Examination step 1.
2010 -Highest score in Physiology and Anatomy.
2009 -The Most Admirable Order of the Direkgunabhorn (5th class). Gold Medal in recognition of outstanding performance and achievement on the occasion of The 20th International Biology Olympiad, Japan. Sippanon’s award for getting the 2nd top score of science of Ordinary National Educational Test. Outstanding youth (science) 2009.
2008 -First place winner “Medical science quiz for Royal Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Cup, 2008” Phramongkutklao, College of Medicine.
Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program Scholar 2014

Mr. Weerawit Wateetip
Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
Mr. Weerawit Wateetip is currently a sixth year medical student of the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. He is interested in the field of Medical Education, especially in the facet of the professionalism. He is currently conducting the project on “The professionalism assessment tools for Thai medical students”. By the beginning of this century; large gaps and inequities in health have persisted within and among countries, fresh health challenges are showing up in many forms. It is also believed that professional education has not kept up with these challenges. Besides, the fragmented, static and out-of-date curricula, the alteration of the physician characteristics have obviously played a big part in this problem. Professionalism, therefore, has become the promising solution to deal with the current situation. To encourage any professionalism-facilitated intervention, it would be meaningless without the efficient and valid assessment tool. However, after a long attempt, there has been no truly practicable professionalism assessment tool proved valid in any of Thai medical schools. Taking this problem into consideration, Weerawit sees the opportunity to gain research experience in developing the professionalism evaluation tools from the world authorities in this field. It is needed and timely to improve the new generation of Thai medical students and the 21st Century medical profession.
Mr. Weerawit has received many honors and awards as follows:
2014 -Poster presentation: The Extracurricular Activity And The Seven Learning Outcome, AMEE 2014. Clinical Observer in the Department of Internal Medicine, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, USA. Exchanged student in the Department of Dermatology, Ludwig Maximilian University, Germany. IFMSA Scholar in the Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Melbourne, Australia. Exchanged student in the Department of Dermatology, The University of Sydney, Australia
2013 -President of The Student Union of Faculty of Medicine. Key committee of the society of medical students of Thailand (under Royal Patronage of HRH). Central coordinator, 26th Syringes Games 2013, Chulalongkorn University (host).
2012 -Student of the year 2012, Chulalongkorn University, Organizing committee in Mobile Medical Unit, Kang Hang Maow, Chantaburi. The principle host of Medical carnival main stage, Faculty of Medicine, ChulaVichakan 2012. Guest speaker of the” Dream to be-” project, Faculty of Medicine, ChulaVichakan 2012.
2011 -Vice president of internal affairs, Faculty Activist of the year 2011. SCOPE-IFMSA scholar in Department of internal medicine, Cardiology, Hospital Cl?nico Universitario de Valladolid, Spain. Senior staff at flood crisis refuge subsidized by Chulalongkorn University. Stage moderator for the public health campaign “Love @ first sight: To be brave two be saved” at Siam Discovery and guest speaker for Antibiotics Smart Use campaign, Siam Square. IFMSA Thailand.
2010 -Class President of 2nd year medical student, Vice president of the Medical Ethics&Laws project, Student Popular Vote
2008 – Best Activist of the year 2008.
Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program Scholar 2014

Mr. Sichon Luerithiphong
Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj hospital, Mahidol University
Mr. Sichon Luerithiphong is a sixth year medical student at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. He is interested in the long-term geriatrics health care system. The phenomenon of population ageing is taking place all over the world, although at different stage of the transition. More developed countries have the oldest population profiles, however, the vast majority of the older people and the most rapidly ageing populations are in less developed countries, which Thailand is one of them. The proportion of older people in total Thailand’s population will increase to nearly 30 percent by 2050. The change in population structure emphasizes the needs for Thai society to develop and strengthen long-term care services either within family, community, or institution.
Mr. Sichon Luerithiphong has received many honors and awards as follows:
2014 – Siriraj Outstanding Medical Student Award
2013 – President of The Siriraj Medical Student Union, President of The Siriraj Student Union
2012 – Assistant President of internal affairs, Siriraj Medical Student Union, Vice class president of 4rd year Siriraj Medical Student 120th, Head of General Affairs, Siriraj Fundrasing Committee, Thai Medical Student’s Code of Conduct drafting committeeman , Siriraj freshmen welcome ceremony staff
2011 – Coordinator of Phayathai district, Siriraj Fundrasing Committee, Producer of Family Concert 2011, Vice class president of 3rd year Siriraj Medical Student 120th
2010 – Master of ceremony in the Royal cremation fire for cadever
2009 – President of 2 Syringes Game, Mahidol part, Head of Sports, Freshy Game 2009
2008 – President of Student Activities club, Master of ceremony for the school annual fair
2008 – Camp Director of pre departure orientation camp for exchange students, AFS