Armchair Conversation with Prince Mahidol Award Laureates 2021 (Thai Subtitle) 1 February 20221 February 2022adminpmafNews Prince Mahidol Award Laureates 2021 in the Field of Medicine Armchair Interview: พลิกโฉมการรักษา ด้วยวิวัฒนาการล้ำยุค กับ นักวิทยาศาสตร์ระดับโลกผู้คิดค้นเทคโนโลยี mRNA และ วัคซีนโควิด-19 Related posts: Interview with Professor Barry Marshall, the Prince Mahidol Award laureate for 2001 HRH Princess Maha Ckakri Sirindhorn Congratulated Dr. Margaret Chan the PMAF recieves the nomination forms for the 2007 Prince Mahidol Award Laureates until 31 May 2007 Programme of the Prince Mahidol Award 2009 Ceremony and a Dinner Party on 27th January 2010 Invitation for nomination Prince Mahidol Award 2013 The Announcement for the Prince Mahidol Award 2013 Invitation for nomination of the Prince Mahidol Award 2016 Announcement of the Prince Mahidol Award 2018 Broadcast of The Ceremony of Prince Mahidol Award 2019 Announcement of the Prince Mahidol Award 2020